Monday, March 31, 2008
What Abigail said to John, 232 years ago today
--31 March 1776
Labels: women
The Week's Best, 31 March 2008
20Types of Pages that Every Blogger Should Consider, Darren Rowse
How to: Identify Keywords, Brendan Cooper
The Care and Feeding of Your References, Karen Burns
Making a Splash with Social Media Measurement (video on Sea World's Journey to Atlantis campaign), Shel Israel with Kami Huyse
Oddcast is Pretty Cool (and Just a Wee Bit Creepy), Melanie Seasons
Labels: public relations, students, week's best
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Week's Best for PR Students, 24 March 2008
How I Use Twitter to Promote My Blog, Darren Rowse
Video: How to Use Facebook Privacy Features, Jeremiah Owyang
The Top 5 Films About PR, Richard Millington
How to Edit Your Resume Like a Professional Resume Writer, Penelope Trunk
On the Record... Online with Business Week Columnist Jon Fine, Eric Schwartzman (podcast)
Marketing with Social Media, Shelly Banjo (Wall Street Journal)
Labels: public relations, students, week's best
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Paull Young, Rockstar
Here he is.
Labels: paull young, WOM class
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Week's Best, 17 March 2008
5 Easy Ways to Make Your Comments Section a Conversation, Tiffany Monhollon
State of the News Media 2008, Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism (via Peter Himler)
A Groundswell at SXSW: How the Audience Revolted and Asserted Control, Jeremiah Owyang
Announcing (Formally) Alltop (top 40 news aggregation site), Guy Kawasaki
10 Questions Every Blogger Should Ask Themselves Before Posting, Damien Van Vroenhoven
We're All on Drugs: This Explains Everything!, Bill Sledzik
Harness the Energy of Your Team, Ben Matthews
Blog Resources for English Language and Blog Writing, Lorelle VanFossen (via Joseph Thornley)
Pitching Fits: Why News Releases Might Die, Rich
The Secret Underground Guide to Social Media for Organizations, Colin McKay
Labels: public relations, students, week's best
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tools, skills and characteristics for college students to cultivate
Do you like what they came up with?
Social Media Tools (for themselves or their employers/clients)
- Blogging
- YouTube
- Podcasting
- Flickr
- Facebook, MySpace (social networks)
- Wikipedia
- Google docs, chat, groups, etc.
- RSS feeds and aggregators
- Social bookmarking (
- Search engines including blog searches
- Second Life
- VoIP, such as Skype
- Mobile media
- Interactive gaming
Skills/characteristics to cultivate
- Ability to pitch effectively (mainstream and social media)
- Online research skills
- Use of appropriate language and etiquette
- Knowledge of ethics, law
- Technological understanding, comfortable with both Mac and PC
- Online identity management and networking skills
- Online security
- Adventurousness, learning agility
- Knowledge of branding
- Keeping up with current events
- Understanding word of mouth -- filters, why some things go viral
- Interaction between online and mainstream media
- Ability to learn on the job
- Being personable in person, not just online
- Transparency, authenticity
- Writing ability
- Knowledge of measurement tools and ability to apply them (Feedburner, Google Analytics, etc.)
Now there's no excuse for them not to get out and learn what they need to know! As soon as spring break ends, that is.
Labels: education, social media, students
Monday, March 10, 2008
The Week's Best, 10 March 2008
Getting to Know Gen Why, BusinessWeek and Generation Y Doesn't Buy the Hype about Generation Y, Kelli Matthews
Where My News At?, Michael Allison
Recommendation Letters and References, Mihaela Vorvoreanu
Where Are All the Student PR Bloggers?, Stephen Davies and Student PR Blogs, At Least Give It a Try, Richard Millington
45 Essential PR Links, My Creative Team
10 Tips for Encouraging Blog Comments, Neville Hobson
Wal-Mart Tastemakers Write Unfiltered Blog, New York Times
Labels: public relations, students, week's best
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Save-the-Date: Connect '08

Labels: conference, Grady College
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Wikipedia editing assignment
At last weekend's Edelman Digital Bootcamp, I presented several assignments that educators can use to integrate social media into PR classes. Here's one:
Wikipedia editing assignment
Objectives: Get students to experiment with using a wiki; encourage discussion about the credibility of the information and what it means to have ordinary people generating media content. This assignment was created for a PR writing course.
- Select any current entry
- Ideas: your high school, hometown, university page, your hobby or favorite TV show or movie, current events
- Print it out as it looked before you edit it
- Edit it: Not just a word or two; add a section, paragraph, etc.
- Print it out as it looks after you edited it
- For the truly brave: submit a proposed new entry
Grading criteria
Substantial edit made or proposal submitted
Verifiable references provided
Background on Wikipedia for public relations students
- Adding an entry: it should be an item worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia
- Information should be independently verifiable from external sources
- It should be presented from a neutral point of view ("fairly and without bias")
- Autobiographical entries: Wikipedia discourages writing about yourself or subjects in which you are personally involved (including your employer)
- However, it is appropriate to correct any obvious inaccuracies about your organization; be sure to provide a verifiable reference to the new information
- You can also add your organization’s Web site to the "external links" section when appropriate
- Use the "watchlist" function so you know when someone has updated the pages you’re interested in
Resources for lecture/discussion
Wikis in Plain English (Common Craft video)
Wikipedia Policies and Guidelines
Wikipedia Help: watchlists
My downloadable slideshow from class-- I deleted the section on forums so that the Slideshare version concentrates on wikis.
Labels: assignment, classes, education, public relations, social media
Monday, March 03, 2008
The Week's Best, 3 March 2008, via Penelope Trunk
The Press Release Page: A NewApproach to an Old Problem, Mike Manuel
An Introduction to Twitter for Marketers, Tessa Horehled
Grad School Decision Time, Les Potter
Gawker Reporter-in-Training, Peter Himler
Should PR Agencies Blog?, Brian Solis
Jobs in Social Media, Corinne Weisgerber
And two great examples of writing by college bloggers:
Twitter-provements, Ashley B. (Georgia)
Tips for the PRos, Lisa Poplawski (Oregon)
Labels: public relations, students, week's best
UGAEDB08: Edelman Digital Bootcamp

My WOM class students (led by grad student Sue Burgett, pictured with Stephanie Gilmore on the left) were tasked with social media coverage of the events. I divided them into four teams of 2-2.5 hour shifts, and they decided who would do what: photo coverage on Flickr, blogging and tweeting for the EDB website, and creating and posting short video and audio interviews with participants (there are others-- you'll find links to them on the blog). I encouraged them to take on the tasks that they were least comfortable with, so in many cases you're looking at or listening to their first attempt with the technology or platform. I've gotten great feedback from the students on how much they learned by doing (Josh Hallett's quote that I'm always throwing at them). Prior to the event we reviewed conference blogging tips and Edelman's Online Behavior Policies and Procedures.
To get a feel for the day, check out this fun video by Phil Gomes.
Labels: blogging, conference, podcasting, social media, students, WOM
Adventures in podcasting: Grady D.C. alumni luncheon
At the beginning of the semester, I assured my WOM class students that we, including me, would all learn to podcast by the end of the semester. I made the alumni lunch my trial run. So here it is: my first podcast. :-)
Thanks to all the alums who attended, but especially my former students: Kristin (Hackler) Rosengren, Amy (Aarons) Rosen, Sheridan (Georges) Watson, and Clam Lorenz, not to mention Jeff Clark, James Rada, Meg Manthey and all the rest. They're all doing such interesting things now, and are all interested in social media-- it was definitely worth the trip.
Labels: Grady College, podcasting